Blissin’s Sound Healing

December 6, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
The Dome of Light
8 Loma Linda Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87506
$20 admission

Turning Sound Into LIGHT

As we move towards the Winter Solstice and the cold North wind begins to blow, our gaze turns inward as we pause to listen to our own inner worlds. Thru contemplation, we take precious moments to thank those who have come before and made the way for us and begin to dream anew. Please join us for a magic carpet ride of sound thru our inner worlds to that place where the sounds of our internal being become the LIGHT that we bring to the world.

Jim Lanpheer will lead a shamanic sound journey in this magical space featuring 3 planetary gongs, Tibetan bowls, handpan, Native American flute and other assorted instruments. Please bring a mattress pad/pillow/blanket to be comfortable for our journey. Also, feel free to bring stones, fetishes or other symbols important to your personal journey to place on our gong altar during the ceremony.

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