Turning Sound Into Light – Another Log For the Fire

February 24, 2019 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Dome of Light
8 Loma Linda Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87506
Blissin's Sound Healing and The Dome Spiritual Healing Center

WINTER is still with us, but the sirens of SPRING call invitingly. It’s natural to want to jump in and start creating anew, but what will that be? Are we ready to be in our power, our knowing?Have we (perhaps) set our sights too low in the past? Your highest vision is what is NEEDED in this world. Let us put another log on the fire and also stoke the “inner fire” of our passion for our creations to come. Please join us for a magic carpet ride of sound thru our inner worlds to that place where the sounds of our internal being become the LIGHT that we bring to the world.

Jim Lanpheer will lead a shamanic sound journey in this magical space featuring 3 planetary gongs, Tibetan bowls, handpan, Native American flute and other assorted instruments. Please bring a mattress pad/pillow/blanket to be comfortable for our journey. Also, feel free to bring stones, fetishes or other symbols important to your personal journey to place on our gong altar during the ceremony.

“The Dome” is an amazing place a very short drive outside of Santa Fe, a magical place to take a journey thru your internal solar systems!

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