Turning Sound Into Light – Step Into The Void

April 7, 2019 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
The Dome of Light
8 Loma Linda Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87506

We invite YOU to gather with us at a time shortly after the Spring Equinox. A time of renewal, a chance to act on our desire to create anew, to step into the Medicine Wheel for another trip around “the merry go-round of LIFE”.

As Winter (associated with the North) has wound down into the arrival of Spring (East), we come fully integrated into a period where we are ready to create again. Before we being creating though, there is the lesson of where do we create FROM? How can we create WELL? What will be DIFFERENT this time? The answer lies in the Void – the womb from which all things come.

So, the theme of our magic carpet sound journey will be winding down into The Void – the place where ALL things are created from – a place of utter stillness and nothingness – a space inside each of us.

Please join us for Sant’s gift of the transmission of Divine Light followed by a shamanic sound journey accompanied by three gongs, Tibetan healing instruments, handpan, Native American flute and other sonic surprises.

We request a donation of $20 (cash only). There are no RSVP’s, so come early to grab a spot. Please bring a sleeping pad/pillow/blanket to be comfortable and any items that you would like to energetically “charge” during our ceremony. Some examples might be special stones, jewelry, photos of a special someone, especially images or icons of things we wish to CREATE in the coming year!

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